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東京大学国際卓越大学院 環境調和農学 (UT-SAP)への誘い

大学院農学生命科学研究科研究科長 堤 伸浩



  Rapid population growth and expansion of human activities have placed significant strain on the environment, and the resulting environmental degradation is now threatening the future of humanity.

  In order to increase food production to support the booming population, forests are being converted into agricultural lands and intensive farming is spreading around the world, inducing changes to ecosystems and affecting the climate. It is now feared that the shift in rainfall patterns caused by climate change will have a negative impact on agriculture, forestry, and fishery industries and ecosystem services.

  Population will continue to expand and the economy will continue to grow in developing countries, creating more demand for food and biological resources. Damaging factors of the environment are less likely to diminish and more likely to increase.

  In view of the current situation, Agricultural Science is faced with a challenging problem of increasing food productivity while reducing the environmental burden on a global scale, all under the changing climate.

  To curve out a solution for this grave problem, experts from specialized fields need to come together to develop advanced technologies such as modeling the effect of climate change, adaptation of omics information on crop breeding, crop management using ICT, increasing productivity by automatic operating machines, monitoring illegal logging by remote sensing, etc. and work toward the common goal of creating a sustainable future.

  It is also imperative to address problems pertaining to social systems such as reconstructing optimal land use by adequate allocation of forest and farmland, optimizing distribution and consumption to avoid food waste, and assessing the environmental load of food production (LCA), as well as develop complete nutritional diets for efficient nutritional intake and functional foods for extending healthy life span. There is a dire need for professionals who can work together with society to promote understanding and reform the global environmental systems surrounding people.

  As of now, there are few people with expertise in practical agriculture as well as knowledge on data-driven Agricultural Science empowered by the most advanced Information Technology. It is the mission of the Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies and the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, to provide, through this program, an education integrating Agricultural Science and advanced Information Science, with a goal to produce skilled scientists who are indispensable today.


Welcome to UT-SAP, UTokyo, Sustainable Agriculture Program (one of the WINGS ― World-leading Innovative Graduate Study Programs)

Nobuhiro Tsutsumi, Dean, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences

The world population exceeded 7 billion in 2011 and continues to expand. The future of human society is increasingly uncertain due to the environmental deterioration caused by the increase in burdens caused by population growth and the expansion of human activities. Agricultural sciences have historically contributed to the production of food, etc. in accordance to natural environment, but this mission is becoming increasingly important as the world's population continues to grow. In other words, it is necessary to increase the productivity of agriculture, forestry and fisheries in the face of climate change while minimizing the environmental impact on a global scale. To achieve this goal, it is essential to develop human resources with both deep expertise and a broad perspective.


The Graduate School of Agriculture and Life Sciences, the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, and the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences will collaborate to provide education that fuses agricultural knowledge with advanced information science, thereby fostering human resources who can respond to these challenges. We look forward to the active participation of all of you who are motivated.


© 2020 U TOKYO Sustainable Agricultural Education Program.

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